
Sunday, December 2, 2012

Love: 30 Weeks

How far along? 30 Weeks

Weight Gain: 17 pounds

Morning Sickness: None, but if I wait too long to eat in the morning I get to feeling like I may pass out.

Maternity Clothes: Yes.

Stretch Marks: No.

Sleep: Aside from Charlie Horses in the middle of the night I am sleeping really well. So far I have not had to wake up in the middle of the night to go to the bathroom, and Connor seems to be sleeping when I am sleeping. I do feel like I get tired earlier in the day, 9:30 is really my max on week nights.

Baby Movement: Connor moves nonstop. We had a 4-D ultrasound this week and it was very challenging to get a picture of him. The technician had to record a series of movements then go back though and find a good frame for a picture. He is head down, and at the beginning of the ultrasound he was face down. His butt is around my belly button, and I can often feel him move it from side to side.

Food Cravings: None.

Labor Signs: None.

Belly Button In or Out? In, but pretty flat.

Wedding Rings On or Off? On.

Thoughts and Feelings: My back hurts more often, and I have to watch how I sit or I will pay for it later in the day. Occasionally my ribs hurt, but I can’t figure out why, I don’t think his feet are there, I guess just pressure of organs and things being pushed there. While you would think that I am getting anxious or excited, I am feeling for nervous, and the fact that we are looking at 10 weeks or so is terrifying. I have a lot of experience with babies, but I am worried about knowing what he wants, and being able to soothe him. Also, just the idea of bringing him home and being able to do it.

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