I did a sneak peak a while ago on the ideas I was pulling together for Connor's Nursery. After receiving my Uppercase Living shipment I had everything I needed to complete the nursery. We have avoided at all cost any thing baby blue, baby animals, and just pastel in general. His nursery is no different. My husband is a huge sports fan, and played many sports in high school, so we decided to do a sports themed nursery. The best part is it can grow with him, it's not just a baby room. The hard part was finding a sports bedding we really liked. I had success at Babies R Us.

(Sydney already love to play in there.) You can barely see our new carpet in this picture, but I did cover part of it up with a rug. I found the rug ar Pottery Barn for Kids. The room is fairly small about 10x11 feet, so I only ordered a 3x5 foot rug, not to mention it was about $130. You can see one of the baseball stiches in the top left corner, there is also another on the bottom right of the wall. That was a time consuming task, but worth it. I made my own compass with a pencil and twine. I used that to make my quarter circle, then used a darker tan color to create the seam where the leather comes together. Being the perfectionist that I am I made a template for the red stitches, so that that were all exactly the same. I traced with a pencil and then went over with the red paint. The wall turned out so great! (Don't you love Pinterest for ideas!)

The crib (gracious given to us by my husband's parents) is from Babies R Us. The "Little MVP" sign was what I ordered from Uppercase Living, I did put it on a cavas so that we could move it if we wanted. The bedding set came with 3 "wall hangings" (the pendants). I didn't have anywhere to hang them ,but decided they would look nice on a piece of brown ribbon on the from of the crib. I cut the ribbon, tied it on to the crib and then hot glued the pendants to the ribbon.
The comforter, again from Babies R Us (given to us by my Grandma).
The bumper and fitted sheet.
A little more of the bumper, and the perfect Boppy pillow for our theme.
The changing table and dresser. I didn't want to buy a changing table that was so limited on function for later. I found this dresser at a furniture store in the scratch and dent section. It was steal at $100 considering it is Ashley Furniture. It is also made really well, which is very important to me. I want something that is going to last. I found the bins inside at Target. (The dresser is actually a media center for a bedroom and that is the spot for the DVD player or cable/satellite box.) The boxes are great for storage at the changing table. One has diapers in it, and the other holds a box of wipes, diaper rash cream, etc. for needs while diapering.

Another Pinterest insprired project is canvas covered in fabric. It was extremely easy to do and fairly cheap. I did have to buy my canvas (12x12 inches). I was going to have my husband make a wooden frame to just staple the fabric to, but I ended up finding a pack of Canvas at Michael's, 7 canvas square for $10. It made more sense to buy them. I then bought fabric at Hobby Lobby. Listening to the blog I got the idea from I purchased 2/3 yard of each fabric, but it can easily be done with 1/2 yard.
I also bought a wooden C cutout and painted it the wall color to go on one of the squares. I didn't even have to hot glue it, it is on there with a strong double sided tape.

I debabted for a long time over a chair. I always wanted a big cushy glider chair, but when looking at the prices I just couldn't see spending the money. So I decided that I would just buy one of the gliders at Wal-Mart for $140. It seemed like saving the money was the wiser decision. Then my grandpa said he would buy the chair. I told him about the chairs at Wal-Mart, but when he went to look at them he felt like they were very poor quality. He ended up giving me money to buy what I wanted. After more debating, and more searching the interent for a chair with good reviews, I landed on this chair. It is still from Wal-Mart.com, but made by the furniture company Little Castle. So far it seems to be very well made, and it is very comfy. I am 5 foot 7 inches, and my head rests nicely against the back of the chair. The pillow that is in the chair is made from a piece of the valence that came with the bedding set. Because I put up solid navy panels I didn't need a valence (not to mention this was really the only part of it I liked. I simply cut off the end of the valence, put a pillow inside and sewed the end to be finished.
Storage and Organization
If you have books then you know that hard back books stand up very nicely, and are easy to tell what book you are grabbing because the title is on the spine, however, you also know that paperback books do not stand up well. To help fix this problem I stood the hardback books up on the bottom shelf (they weigh more), and then bought 2 canvas baskets at Wal-Mart for less than $5 each to store the paperback books and tiny board books. The paperback books fit so good in the basket, and they are very easy to flip through. The other one houses the little bitty board books that I didn't know what to do with.

With my dresser only have 2 drawers for clothes I ended up feeling a little short on storage space. The solution was a ClosetMaid organizer for the bottom of the closet. I figure as he grows it can become storage for toys. Each basket has a different purpose, which can easily change, and will as we the rest of the house a little more ready for baby (one is full of bottles, and another bowls and spoons because I don't have a kitchen cabinet cleared out yet). Other baskets hold things like bath towels, lotion, baby wash, a tote with health items like diaper cream and the little care kit, and one for breastfeeding supplies. I think its going to be awesome to have.
I have his closet separated by the little 0-3 month, 3-6 month, etc. dividers. The 0-3 month section far exceeds the others. As you can see the top has been over taken by diapers and wipes (the Diaper Raffle idea for the baby shower was a great idea and I would suggest that to anyone!)