
Thursday, September 19, 2013

7 Months

Age: 7 months

Weight: about 17 pounds

Clothing Size: mostly 6-9 months with a few things 3-6 months that still fit, some shorts, and Gymboree outfits.

Likes:  Bathtime. He took his first bath in the big boy bathtub and loves it! He plays and splashes, and even flops down to his belly.  Taking walks.  Playing outside. Laying in bed with mommy.

Dislikes: Being left alone in the room, he at least wants to be able to see someone.

Sleeping: Bedtime has backed up about an hour. Day care really wears him out. He is occasionally sleeping through the night, but he does wake up wanting to eat, and I have to relax him and get him back to sleep. Hoping it gets easier. Not much consistency.

Eating: At his 6 month check-up I was told to eliminate the middle of the night feeding. After waiting for him to get over his first cold it has been going pretty good. Other than that, he eats cereal in the morning for breakfast, and loves it. He is doing much better taking a bottle at day care. At home he eats baby food at dinner, and nurses before bed. He is hilarious at bedtime when I am getting ready to feed him, he gets so excited and animating waiting for me. He learned to hold his own bottle, and is doing very well feeding himself.

Playing: Right after he turned 6 months he began to sit up very good on his own. One night, he was just able to sit up, and sat there for a good 20 minutes. We have also found that he is entertained in his “ghetto” playpen (a laundry basket). I think it is because it keeps his toys close. The “ghetto” playpen didn’t last too long, we had to move him up to the full size playpen, which isn’t as convenient but works just as well. He likes to watch Mickey Mouse in the mornings on my iPad, and many times if I am on my iPad in front of him, he acts as though he wants it.

What we did this Month: With the move, starting school, and going to day care things have been very busy.  

Tooth number 2 has made its appearance, again the lower middle. Grandma or Grandpa takes him to daycare in the morning, it’s a big help to me since it’s so far out of my way. We made a trip back down to Murray, which completely threw off his schedule for the weekend. I took Connor to his first U of L tailgate, although we didn’t stay for the game. He of course loved being outside, but seemed to be taking the whole experience in.
First Tailgate
Baby Contest: Second Runner Up

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