
Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Love: Two Months

Age: 2 months

Weight:  11 pounds 4 ounces (25-50% percentile)

Length: 22 ¾ inches (25-50% percentile)

Clothing Size: 0-3 months

Likes: Connor loves to be able to look around. He gets frustrated after much time on his belly because he can’t see, when you flip him over he is content as can be. He still loves to be on daddy’s chest. He is also becoming very fond of baths.

Dislikes: Can’t  really think of anything he doesn’t really like.

Sleeping: For the most part Connor is successfully sleeping in his own bed. He goes down for the night after his 8:30 feeding. We are getting into a great bedtime routine, with a bath, feeding, reading a book, and rocking for a little while. I do not have to rock him all the way to sleep, he is beginning to be able to lay him down and just fall asleep. This does not mean he can be awake and lay in his crib, he has to be sleepy. Then he will sleep until sometime between 2 and 3, to eat, then again between 6 and 6:30. During the day he will stay awake for about 2 hours from the time he starts feeding, then nap for an hour, and most days he will take a long nap in the afternoon.

Eating: We started parent directed feedings (Baby Wise) to help get us on a schedule and be able to allow him to just sleep at night. I wake him up every 3 hours starting at 8:30 am (5:30 am when I go back to work, which is just about an hour earlier than he wakes up to eat). I consider myself blessed with the breastfeeding, it has been going well, but he also takes a bottle well. It gives me a break, allows daddy to feed him some, and allows us to go out and do things without worrying about breastfeeding. I also want to continue breast feeding so we have been training him to take the bottle for when I go back to work. When he started taking the bottle it took him about 45 minutes to drink 4 ounces, now he’s down to about 30 minutes. He is still a little messy with a bottle, so a bib is a must.

Playing: He is spending more and more time on his play mat, although he doesn’t care much for being on his stomach. I think he prefers to be able to look around. He has become fascinated with a moving ceiling fan and lights. He is holding his head up very good, and I don’t think it will be long before we get out his jumper, which I think he will really enjoy. He loves to be where he can see things.

What we did this Month: Connor took his first trip to the mall to go shopping. He was great, very alert and looking around. We also went to church for the first time, and several more after that. We started with a Wednesday night, then our first Sunday as a family of 3. Over all he was good, a little fussy with his belly. We also made the trip home again for Easter. Thankfully daddy got off for the whole weekend and got to enjoy it with us. He also had more family in to meet him. So far he has been great in the car while we make the 3 hour drive.

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