
Friday, March 8, 2013

Love: 1 Month

Age: 1 Month
Weight:  8 pounds 6 ounces (at his 2 weeks check-up, I think 9 pounds now)
Length:  21 inches (at his 2 week check-up)
Clothing Size: 0-3 months. I decided before he was born that I was not going to buy a lot of newborn sized clothes because I didn’t know how big he was going to be. I originally had 2 outfits and 3 sleepers. I took back one of the outfits right away because he was 8 pounds when he was born. Good thing I didn’t buy much (2 of the sleepers were gifts) because he wore them for less than 2 weeks.
Favorites: His absolute favorite place to be is on Daddy’s chest. I really feel like he could lie there all day long. He also loves his swing.
Sleeping: There are many nights that he will sleep for 4 to 6 hours straight, although that may come after being wide awake for 2 hours. He goes back and forth about where he will sleep. There are times that he will sleep in his bed for the first block of time at night, and then he may or may not go back into his bed. There have been many nights that he has spelt on one of our chests, or in the bed beside us (trust me I know this is bad, but when you need sleep you do what you have to). He has had two full nights of sleeping in his own bed.
Eating: It took us about 2 weeks to figure out the whole breastfeeding thing, but we finally have it down pat. The key for us was to not try to wake him up to eat, but rather wait for him to want to eat. If I tried to wake him up it was a fight to get him to latch on, sometimes 30 or 45 minutes. Now that he is waking up to eat he latches right on. There is no consistent schedule for eating yet, he eats about every 3 hours (end to start). He has had some bottles, especially in the morning after I have gone 6 hours, I just want to pump. Although he is slow when eating from a bottle, I consider it a blessing, because it doesn’t seem easy to him, which I think makes it better going between breast and bottle.
Breast Feeding Must Haves:
1. Medela Pump in Style Advanced Breast Pump: I didn't think I would need a pump this early on, but it has been great. When he sleeps for 4-6 hours I wake up and have to pump. It was also helpful during our trip home when there were people over I could pump so everyone could still visit with Connor instead of me taking him away.
2. Boppy: Or any breast feeding pillow to help support baby.
3. Lansinoh Breast Therapy: Relief is only 15 seconds away, just stick them in the microwave.
4. Nursing Tanks: I have preferred tank tops over the bras just because I am cold natured so I like for my stomach to covered while nursing.
Playing: After 2 and ½ weeks we were finally able to start tummy time. We lay on the floor several times a day for as long as he will lay there. When he is in his bouncy seat does watch the waterfall feature on it, and sometimes I think he does hit the animals to make it come back on when it goes off.
What we did this Month: Connor has hardly been out of the house. We did make the trip to my parent’s house. He was great for the 3 hour car ride, slept there and back. He had many visitors while there, and we were exhausted when we got home. At 2 ½ weeks old we did venture out of the house, Cracker Barrel for lunch then Kroger to go grocery shopping. The great thing was just like the ride home he got in the car seat and fell asleep. He slept the whole time we were out, so we kept the car seat covered. He hasn’t been anywhere where people will want to see him or hold him or anything.

 My Must Haves:

1. Fisher Price Zen Collection Swing: He loves to swing, and what I love about this swing is that it has a built in blanket and the seat comes off, which he has slept in many nights in our bedroom.
2. Bloomin' Bath: I really like that this tub will be good as he grows, it also dries quickly, travels easily, and fits in any sink (I am not looking forward to leaning over the bath tub).
3. Car Seat Canopy: You can just about always find a promo code to get one for free, just pay the $12 for shipping, and it's worth it. Being a winter baby anytime we go out I want him covered. Also it has allowed us to keep him covered while grocery shopping.

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